
【杉原千畝を称えて】本日のGoogleDoodle 諸国民の中の正義の人 終戦74年目の夏

本日の GoogleDoodle は杉原千畝さんです。



この Doodle の表示地域は(西から)、カナダ、アイスランド、アイルランド、イギリス、ドイツ、ポーランド、チェコ、リトアニア、ラトビア、イスラエル、台湾、日本です。


“There was no other way,” said Japanese diplomat Chiune Sugihara, who was stationed in Lithuania shortly before the outbreak of World War II. On this day in 1939, Sugihara began issuing transit visas to thousands of Jewish refugees, defying direct orders from his supervisors to help the refugees escape via Japan.

“I told the Ministry of Foreign Affairs it was a matter of humanity,” he recalled years later. “I did not care if I lost my job.”

Soon after Jewish families began lining up outside his official residence, pleading for documents to allow them safe passage via Japan to the Dutch island of Curacao, he sent three messages to Tokyo requesting permission, all of which was forcefully rejected. “Absolutely not to be issued any traveler not holding firm end visa with guaranteed departure ex Japan,” read the cable from the foreign ministry. “No exceptions.”

After much soul-searching, Sugihara threw caution to the winds, writing thousands of visas night and day until “my fingers were calloused and every joint from my wrist to my shoulder ached.” His wife supported his risky decision, massaging his tired hands each night so he could keep going until the last minutes of his train leaving Lithuania, handing out visas to Jews from the windows.

Upon returning to Japan, Sugihara paid the price for disobeying orders. His promising foreign service career came to an end, and he struggled to support his family. He received little recognition for his sacrifice until one of the people he saved, now an Israeli diplomat, managed to find him in 1968. A tree was planted in his honor at the Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem, and Chiune Sugihara was declared “Righteous Among Nations.” Memorials in Lithuania and his hometown of Yaotsu, Japan pay tribute to Sugihara and his heroic endeavors that saved untold thousands of lives.



ヘブライ語:חסידי אומות העולם, Khasidei Umot HaOlam
英語:Righteous among the Nations



Yad Vashem(イスラエル国立ホロコースト追悼記念館)

ヤド・ヴァシェム(ヘブライ語とイディッシュ語:יד ושם Yad Vashem)は、ナチス・ドイツによるユダヤ人大虐殺(ホロコースト)の犠牲者達を追悼するためのイスラエルの国立記念館である。イスラエルの首都エルサレムのヘルツルの丘にある。

杉原千畝さん、Yad Vashemの記事

表紙引用:Today’s Doodle was created by Doodler Matthew Cruickshank.Ye Crooked Legge

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村坂 克之
